Talk Details
How to kickstart your journey into the backend world
Diving into a new world can be challenging and overwhelming. For those reasons, iOS developers often choose Vapor to build their backend, staying in the Swift realm. However, there are still many things to catch up on, as building a backend is as different from building an app as it is exciting!
We’ll explore those differences with leverage and solutions, and we’ll dive into subjects like authentication, evolution, security, and tests! Get a kickstart into the backend world!
About the Speaker
Indie iOS Developer
I like to go by the name of Dean, because it’s way easier to pronounce in any language, including English than “Thomas Durand” Backend architect and security engineer by day, I’m also an iOS Indie Dev by night! On my free time, I’m building in public independent iOS app like SharePal and Padlok. I also share my discoveries while building on my blog, mostly about Swift, SwiftUI and software security. After a first talk at NSSpain XI, I’d like to continue growing in the community, sharing everything I learn along my journey of building indie apps, or reliable and scalable back-ends.