Caleb Kleveter

Caleb Kleveter

Talk details


Resilient Micro-Services with Vapor


One of the popular architectures for server-side development these days is micro-services. By breaking our apps into small components, it not only makes it more maintainable, but it's also easier to replace components. But this isn't always the case. Badly designed micro-services result in a monolith that's just spread across multiple projects. In this talk, we'll discuss making both your micro-services and packages more agnostic, turning your app into a plug-and-play system.

About the speaker


Contract Developer at Skelpo Inc.


Caleb Kleveter is a backend developer with 5 years of experience with Swift and 3 years with the Vapor framework. He primarily builds open-source micro-services for Skelpo Inc., but also enjoys building parsers for almost any text format imaginable. Caleb also holds a maintainer status on several core Vapor repositories.